Tree Planting Bury Farm: Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council contracted Dobsons to create new woodland on the Bury Farm site. In 2021 a United Kingdom Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant Woodland Creation Design Plan (WCDP) was produced for this site available as part of the Forestry Commission’s Woodland Creation Planning Grant scheme.

Dobsons completed all soft and hard landscaping operations associated with woodland establishment in accordance with BS EN 4428. They were also contracted to carry our woodland establishment maintenance for 10 years following practical completion. Operations included erecting over 1000lm of fencing, Planting of 14,300 trees and shrubs, mulch matting and signage by 31 March 2023.

Woodland Creation

Deer fencing with fully meshed galvanised steel deer vehicle gates at site access points were installed by our specialist fencing team along the boundary of the site to a total length of 1190lm. The team also installed five fully meshed galvanised steel deer pedestrian gates. The deer pedestrian gates supported disabled access and included a central sliding bolt to allow for fitting with a padlock.

All trees and shrubs were sourced at local Plant Healthy Certified nurseries and were native, UK grown species, reducing our carbon footprint at all stages of the project. 14,300 non-plastic fully biodegradable 50cm x 50cm mulch mats were fitted with bamboo anchoring pegs also sourced from a local ISO 14001 supplier from our supply chain.

The final element of the project included the installation of two freestanding signs with high-quality UV digitally printed graphic including information on the project for walkers to enjoy.

Years 1-5 Woodland Establishment & Grounds Maintenance

Dobsons are responsible for 10 years of woodland establishment and grounds maintenance, to include the following:

Clearance of weeds around the trees and shrubs with the use of a herbicide in Spring and Late-Summer

Undertake regular inspections of the deer fence and access gate every other month after the planting of the woodland is complete (from May 2023) to ensure that the site remains rabbit and deer proof and infrastructure has not been compromised, and undertake minor maintenance and repair as required;

Carrying out a beating up survey in late summer and carrying out replacement planting over winter prior to the end of the growing season

On every visit, any fallen or leaning trees and mulch matts to be repositioned and secured in place.

Mowing a 3-5m width through the middle of each parcel and around the edges bordering the boundary deer fence

A walkover inspection of the site and collection of any litter every other month


Woodland Planting Schemes


Bicker Fen Substation