Tottle Brook – Ecological
& Habitat Improvement
Funded by a £50,000 grant from the European Regional Development Fund and Nottingham City Council, the aims were to make improvements to Tottle Brook which would create an enhanced environment for wildlife, improve biodiversity and create new habitats to attract new wildlife to the area.
The Tottle Brook is a small watercourse which flows in a south west to north east direction in Highfields Park, Nottingham. The project aimed to enhance the biodiversity value of the brook by creating new wetland habitat and improving the form (shape) of the watercourse. The scheme was sub-divided into three areas along the brook within the park.
The main components of the works were:
– Creation of wetland (maximum excavation depth 800mm, approximate excavation volume 238m3);
– Excavation of two small meanders in the bank of the brook;
– Creation of wildflower meadow around wetland and meanders using excavated earth.
– Creation of wetland (maximum excavation depth 800mm, approximate excavation volume 83m3);
– Creation of wildflower meadow near to wetland using excavated earth.
– Installation of pre-planted coir roll along both banks of the stream for approximately 60m (total coir roll=120m);
– Minor reshaping of the stream banks behind the installed coir roll;
– Placement of approximately 20 bulk bags of quarried gravels into the stream and 30 rocks of 100mm to 300mm diameter.
– Placement of approximately 20 brushwood flow deflectors